CCIQ is now Business Chamber Queensland

Business Ready QAssure Details
Business Ready QAssure number
Legal Entity Name Neo-Klien Pty Ltd
Trading Entity Name
Website Address
Street Address Gasworks Level 2, 76 Skyring Tce, Newstead, Queensland, 4006, Australia
Phone Number 0404843405
Small-to-medium Business (SME) Yes
Indigenous Business No
To qualify as an indigenous business, a business must either: be at least 50% owned by Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people; employ at least 75% Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people; be an equal joint venture agreement with a majority-owned Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander business entity.
Cyber Security Insurance Coverage No
Financial Check Yes
General Contract No
Comprehensive Contract No
Bespoke Contract No
Supplier's Terms and Conditions No
Commencement Date 19/07/2024
Review Date 19/07/2025
ACN/ARBN/Overseas Org No. 104291830
ABN 34104291830
Postal Address Gasworks Level 2, 76 Skyring Tce, Newstead, Queensland, 4006, Australia
Fax Number
Sales Contact Kim Klein Managing Director
Executive Summary We are a Brisbane-Australian based Technology Services company, that specialise in augmenting Project Delivery Resources into the Start-Up, Utility and Government sectors. We draw on our 10+years of expertise and solutions that span across the people, process, systems and data elements of information and Project Lifecycle Management. We deliver effective solutions that help asset-intensive organisations achieve efficiency and sustainability in their operations. We take a collaborative approach to problem-solving, applying our industry, technical and functional expertise combined with best-of-breed technologies to help our clients achieve project outcomes. Deliverables are defined at the time of project engagement depending on the resource and program of work and project duration varies depending on the size and scale of the initiative ranging from 3-month to multi-year contract engagements.
Note: For those suppliers who currently hold GITC or QITC accreditation, to confirm accredited modules and for copies of documentation please contact QITC directly at
System Software - Other Developed Software Web Design and Development
Developed Solutions Web Services Modifications
Maintenance/Support Packaged Software Contracting Services
Project Management Software Training Consulting - Information
Project Management